In this post you will get the one mark Important Question and answers of the English textbook Spring ,"Too Dear" by "Count Leo Tolstoy" .
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We have choosen the questions from the question bank provided by the PUE board and from the textbook of the respected subject .
One Mark Important Question And Answers 2021
1. Mention any one of the commodities that was taxed by the king of Monaco in ‘Too Dear' ?
Ans. Tax on Tobacco/ Wine/ Spirits/ Poll-tax/ Gaming houses .
2. Name the special source of revenue in the kingdom of Monaco in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. Gaming Houses are the special source of revenue in the kingdom of Monaco .
3. What business does the King of Monaco monopolise in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. Gambling Business .
4. Mention one of the sources of the King’s special revenue in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. Gaming Houses .
5. What was the initial punishment given to the criminal by the council in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. Death Sentence / To cut off his head .
6. Mention one of the reasons for altering the death sentence to life imprisonment in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. There was no proper guillitone and executioner .
7. The King’s special revenue in ‘Too Dear!’ came from
a) gaming house.
b) poll tax
c) tax on tobacco
Ans. a) gaming house .
8. How many soldiers were there in the kingdom of Monaco in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. Only 60 Soldiers .
9. How much did the king spend on the criminal annually in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. 600 francs .
10. Where is Monaco situated in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. Monaco is situated near the borders of France and Italy, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea .
11. How much would a guillotine and an executioner cost if supplied from France in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. 16,000 francs .
12. The people of Monaco mentioned in ‘Too Dear!’ were
a) sociable.
b) peaceable.
c) fashionable.
Ans. b) peaceable .
13. What is the population of Monaco in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. About 7000 Inhabitants .
14. Who according to the Council was a brother monarch in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. King of Italy .
15. How much money did the Italian Government demand to supply guillotine and an executioner?
Ans. 12,000 francs .
16. Name the ‘Toy Kingdom’ mentioned in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. Kingdom of Monaco .
17. Who is referred to as ‘a rascal’ by the king in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. Criminal .
18. Where did the criminal settle after emigrating in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. Criminal settled just across the frontier after emigrating.
19. What did the criminal do to earn his living after his release in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. The criminal bought a bit of land and started Market-gardening to earn his living after the release .
20. What was the new item of expenditure in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. Keep of the criminal was the new item of expenditure.
21. Which government is Republican and has no proper respect for king in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. The French Government .
22. Who was a ‘Brother Monarch’ in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. King of Italy .
23. How much did the criminal receive as advance before leaving Monaco in ‘Too Dear!’ ?
Ans. One-third of his annuity in advance .
24. Which was the only place of gambling in Europe as mentioned in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. Monaco .
25. Who fetched the criminal’s food initially in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. The Guard fetched the criminal's food initially.
26. Where was the criminal’s food fetched from in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. From the palace kitchen .
Also Read : 2nd Puc English On Children, One Mark Important Question and Answers | Question bank answers 2021
27. How long was the criminal in the prison in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. For one year .
28. What does the keeper of the gaming house pay to the Prince in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. Out of his profit he pays a large sum to the Prince .
29. Who gains more from the gaming house in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. Prince of the Monaco gains more from the gaming house .
30. How much land would each inhabitant get if all the land in Monaco were divided?
Ans. Not be an acre for each inhabitant if all the land in Monaco were divided.
31. What was unusual about the murder committed in Monaco in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. Such a thing had not happened before in Monaco like 'murder' .
32. What work did the prisoner do after being released from the prison in ‘Too Dear!’?
Ans. Market-gardening .
33. The king had to find a special source of revenue because
a. the income from the taxes was insufficient.
b. his people drank and smoked less.
c. the people of Monaco gambled a lot.
Ans. a. the income from the taxes was insufficient.
34. The death sentence in ‘Too Dear!’ was altered because
a. the king wanted to show mercy to the criminal.
b. doing so would not be expensive.
c. no one was willing to execute the criminal.
Ans. b. doing so would not be expensive .
35. When the guard was dismissed, the criminal in ‘Too Dear!’
a. was happy and tried to run away.
b. worried about the guard’s family.
c. did not show any sign of running away.
Ans. c. did not show any sign of running away.
36. The criminal in ‘Too Dear!’ agreed to go away from the prison after
a. he was offered pension.
b. he was allowed to emigrate.
c. the guard was dismissed.
Ans. a. he was offered pension .
37. What reason did the soldiers give for not accepting to execute the criminal ?
Ans. The soldiers said that ,they didn't know how to do it and they had not been taught to do so .
38. How much pension did the king offered to criminal ?
Ans. The king offered a pension of 600 francs to the criminal .
39. "In war ,they don't mind killing people" .Here ,the word 'they' refers to
a) council
b) comission
c) soldiers
Ans. c) soldiers .
40. Where did the criminal go to fetch his dinner in 'Too Dear!' ?
Ans. From the prince's kitchen /the palace kitchen .