In this post you will get the one mark Important Question and answers of the 3rd chapter of the English textbook Spring , "On Children" by "Kahlil Gibran" .
Notes Of Puc have also provided the one mark question and answers of 2nd Puc , Important question and answers ,notes of 2nd Puc ,Question bank answers of Puc,notes of English,model question paper answers,pdf of the question and answers,pdf of the question bank ,pdf of the notes.
We have choosen the questions from the question bank provided by the PUE board and from the textbook of the respected subject.
One Mark Important Question and Answers .
1. Who asked the speaker in ‘On Children’ to speak of children?
Ans. A woman holding her child against her bossom .
2. Whose sons and daughters are children according to the speaker in ‘On Children’?
Ans. They are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself .
3. According to the speaker in ‘On Children’, what may be given to children?
Ans. According to the speaker love may be given to the children .
4. According to the speaker in ‘On Children’, what may not be given to children?
Ans. According to the speaker ,their thoughts may not be given to children .
5. Who according to the speaker in ‘On Children’ have their own thoughts?
Ans. According to the speaker, children's have their own thoughts .
6. Where do the souls of the children dwell according to the speaker in ‘On Children’?
Ans. According to the speaker the souls of the children dwells in the house of tommorow .
7. What according to the speaker in ‘On Children’ dwell in the house of tomorrow?
Ans. Souls of the children's .
8. What does not go backward according to the speaker in ‘On Children’?
Ans. Life .
9. Who according to the speaker in ‘On Children’ are sent forth as living arrows?
Ans. Children .
10. Where according to the speaker in ‘On Children’ does the archer see the mark?
Ans. The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite .
11. Who according to the speaker in ‘On Children’ sees the mark upon the path of the infinite?
Ans. The Archer .
12. Who does the word ‘bows’ refer to in ‘On Children’?
Ans. Bows refers to Parents .
13. Who does the phrase ‘living arrows’ refer to in the poem ‘On Children’?
Ans. Living arrows refers to children .
14. Who does the phrase ‘archer’ refer to in ‘On Children’?
Ans. Archer refers to God .
15. According to the speaker in ‘On Children’, life does not go ________ .
a) swift
b) backward
c) stable
Ans. b) backward .
16. Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for ___________ . The right word from ‘On Children’ to
a) gladness.
b) longing.
c) striving.
Ans. a) gladness .
17. The house of tomorrow in ‘On Children’ cannot be visited even in _________ .
a) thoughts
b) ideas
c) dreams
Ans. c) dreams .
18. Whom does God use as his bow to send living arrows to the earth ?
Ans. Parents .
19. Who loves both the bow and arrow ?
Ans. God ,the archer
20. In 'On Children' ,God loves the arrow that flies as well as the bow that
a) does not bend
b) breaks
c) is stable
Ans. c) is stable .
Also Read : 2nd Puc English Too Dear, One Mark Important Question and Answers
21. Why does the archer bends the bow ?
Ans. The archer bends his bow so that His arrows might go swift and far .
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