In this post you will get the one mark Important Question and answers of the English textbook Spring , "When you are old" by "W. B. Yeats" .
Notes Of Puc have also provided the one mark question and answers of 2nd Puc , Important question and answers ,notes of 2nd Puc ,Question bank answers of Puc,notes of English,model question paper answers,pdf of the question and answers,pdf of the question bank ,pdf of the notes.
We have choosen the questions from the question bank provided by the PUE board and from the textbook of the respected subject .
Ads by EonadsOne Mark Important Question And Answers 2021
1. The speaker in 'When you are old' addresses____
a) a young lady
b) an old lady
c) a little girl
Ans. a) a young lady .
2. When according to the speaker in 'When you are old' will the lady be 'gray and full of sleep' ?
Ans. when she is old and sitting nodding by the fire .
3. Who according to the speaker in 'When you are old' will be 'nodding by the fire' ?
Ans. An old lady with whom the speaker was in deeply love .
4. What does the speaker in 'When you are old' want his beloved to do sitting by the fire ?
Ans. To take down the book of his memories and read it slowly / recall the past memories .
5. What does the speaker in 'When you are old' suggeat to his beloved to dream of ?
Ans. To dream of the soft look her eyes once had and the deep shadows they now have .
6. According to the speaker in 'When you are old', what did many admire the lady for ?
Ans. According to the speaker many admire the lady for his physical beauty .
Also Read : 2nd Puc English A Sunny Morning , One mark important question and answers | Question Bank Answers
7. In the poem 'When you are old' many loved the lady's
a) huge wealth
b) physical beauty
c) pilgrim soul
Ans. b) physical beauty .
8. Who according to the speaker in 'When you are old' loved the beloved's pilgrim soul ?
Ans. The speaker / The poet .
9. Whose pilgrim soul did the speaker in 'When you are old' love ?
Ans. A young lady with whom the speaker is deeply in love .
10. What did the speaker in 'When you are old' love besides the pilgrim soul ?
Ans. Love the sorrows of changing face of his beloved .
11. Who according the speaker in 'When you are old' fled and hid his face ?
Ans. According to the speaker in 'When you are old' ,Love fled and hid his face .
12. Where according to the speaker in 'When you are old' did love pace upon ?
Ans. According to the speaker love pace, upon the mountain overheads .
Ads by Eonads13. What according to the speaker in 'When you are old' did love hid amid a crowd of stars ?
Ans. According to the speaker love hide his face amid a crowd of stars.
14. Where according to the speaker in 'When you are old' did love his face ?
Ans. Hide his face amid a crowd of stars .
Also Read : 2nd Puc English The Gardener , One mark important question and answers | Question Bank Answers
15. The Pilgrim soul means the soul _______
Ans. The soul which is questioning for true love .
16. The speaker suggest his beloved to slowly read the book in 'When You Are Old' when she is
a) glad
b) proud
c) old
Ans. c) old .
17. In 'When You Are Old ' ,the speaker loved ______ of his beloved's changing face of
a) sorrows
b) soft look
c) grace
Ans. a) sorrows .
18. What look did the the woman's eyes have once in 'When you are old ' ?
Ans. Soft look .
19. According to the speaker,what will woman regret in her old age in 'When you are old' ?
Ans. According to the speaker,the woman will regret that he has rejected the person who truly loved her .
20. Who is the speaker / poet of 'When You Are Old' ?
Ans. William Butler Yeats (W. B. Yeats )